$50,000 to Attend Graduate School
Program Name: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $50,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For college seniors or recent graduates to attend graduate or professional programs.
Contact: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, 44325 Woodridge Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176; 800-498-6478; Fax: 703-723-8030; www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf_web/content.aspx?page=Grad; Email: jkc-g@act.org
Application: www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf_web
Education Grants for Family Members of 9/11 Victims
Program Name: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation September 11th Grant Program
Amount (Max): $120,000 ($15,000 per semester)
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For spouses and dependents of victims of September 11th or the 2001 anthrax attacks currently enrolled in college or trade school who demonstrate financial need.
Contact: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, 44325 Woodridge Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176; 800-846-9025; Fax: 703-723-8030; www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf_web/content.aspx?page=Sept; Email: jkc@jackkentcookefoundation.org
Application: www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf
Up to $30,000 to Study Longer
Program Name: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Transfer Program
Amount (Max): $30,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For students and recent alumni with a 3.5 or higher GPA from community colleges or two-year institutions that transfer to and will pursue bachelor's degrees at four-year institutions.
Contact: Jack Kent Cooke Foundation, 44325 Woodridge Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176; 800-498-6478; Fax: 703-723-8030; www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf_web/content.aspx?page=UnderG; Email: jkc-u@act.org
Application: www.jackkentcookefoundation.org/jkcf
$5,000 to Pay for College Housing or Tuition
Program Name: Christermon Foundation and the Beverage Industry Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $5,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: California
Other Requirements: For children, grandchildren or legal guardians of persons currently proprietor of, or employed full-time with, an individual or company holding a valid California liquor license. Can be community college transfer students.
Contact: Christermon Foundation, 9 Orchard Road, Suite 100, Lake Forest, CA 92630; 949-837-5291; Fax: 949-837-9481; www.christermon.com/scholarship/; Email: information@cfsc.occoxmail.com
Application: www.christermon.com/scholarship/applications.php
$60,000 Scholarship Grants for Outstanding College Students
Program Name: Two Ten Scholarships Program
Amount (Max): $60,000 ($3,000 per year for four years or $15,000 per year for four years for exceptional students)
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For students who are affiliated (themselves or through family) with footwear, leather or related industries.
Contact: Two/Ten International Footwear Foundation, 1466 Main Street, Waltham, MA 02451; 800-FIND-210, ext. 1503 or 781-736-1510; www.twoten.org; Email: scholarship@twoten.org
Application: www.twoten.org/Scholarship/Entry.aspx
Money to Learn a Foreign Language
Program Name: Blakemore Freeman Language Grants
Amount (Max):Varies
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: Must be pursuing an academic, professional or business career that involves the regular use of a modern East or Southeast Asian language. Refresher Grants are available to professionals.
Contact: The Blakemore Foundation, 1201 Third Avenue, Suite 4800, Seattle, WA 98101-3266; 206-359-8778; Fax: 206-359-9778; www.blakemorefoundation.org/index.htm; Email: blakemore@perkinscoie.com
Application: www.blakemorefoundation.org/Application.htm
Scholarships up to $28,000 for Gay & Lesbian Students
Program Name: The Point Scholarship Foundation
Amount (Max): $28,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: All Point Scholars sign a Contract of Excellence, agreeing to maintain at least a 3.5 GPA, speak at The Point Foundation's (TPF) events, and give back to the LGBT community through completion of an individual service project.
Contact: Point Foundation, P.O. Box 11210, Chicago, IL 60611; 866-33-POINT (866-337-6468); Fax: 866-397-6468; www.thepointfoundation.org/scholarships.html; Email: applicationinfo@pointfoundation.org
Application: www.thepointfoundation.org/apply.html
$10,000 Scholarships for Young Adults
Program Name: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation College Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $40,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For young adults under age 25.
Contact: Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Attn: College Scholarship Program, 5005 LBJ Freeway, Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75244; 972-855-1616; Fax: 972-855-1640; www.komen.org; Email: collegescholarships@komen.org
Application: www.komen.org/stellent/groups/public/@dallas/documents/-komen_site_documents/2007scholarshipapplication.pdf
Over $46,000 Fellowships for Law Students
Program Name: Skadden Fellowship Program
Amount (Max): $46,000 +
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For graduating law students to work in public interest organizations and donate pro bono services.
Contact: Skadden Fellowship Foundation, 4 Times Square, Room 40-228, New York, NY 10036; 212-735-2956; www.skaddenfellowships.org
Application: www.skaddenfellowships.org/content/siteFiles/
Scholarship Money to Continue Your Education
Program Name: Coca-Cola Two-Year Colleges Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $20,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: Nominees may be first and/or second year students planning to continue their education at a two-year institution and may not be children of Coca-Cola employees.
Contact: Coca-Cola Two-Year Colleges Scholarship Program, P.O. Box 1615, Atlanta, GA 30301; 800-306-2653; www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWeb/jsp/scholars/OtherScholarPrograms.jsp
Application: www.coca-colascholars.org/cokeWeb/jsp/scholars/
Over $12,500 in Scholarships for Abused Women
Program Name: R.O.S.E. Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $12,500 +
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Any college or university in New England.
Other Requirements: Applicants must be nominated.
Contact: The R.O.S.E. Fund, Inc., 175 Federal Street, Suite 455, Boston, MA 02110; 617-482-5400; Fax: 617-482-3443; www.rosefund.org/programs/scholarship.asp; Email: info@rosefund.org
Application: www.rosefund.org/programs/scholarship.asp
$200 to Take the GED
Program Name: GED Jump Start Scholarship
Amount (Max): $200
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For Child Nutrition Association members for GED classes, study materials, test fees, child care and transportation.
Contact: Child Nutrition Foundation, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 300, Alexandria, VA 22314; 800-877-8822, ext. 104; www.schoolnutrition.org/Index.aspx?id=1043; Email: sbleifield@schoolnutrition.org
Application: www.schoolnutrition.org/uploadedFiles/ASFSA/
$15,000 to Study Violence and Aggression
Program Name: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowships
Amount (Max): $15,000
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For individuals who will complete the writing of a dissertation within the award year on subjects related to violence, aggression and dominance.
Contact: The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 25 West 53rd Street, New York, NY 10019; 646-428-0971; Fax: 646-428-0981; www.hfg.org/df/guidelines.htm; Email: hfgacf@aol.com
Application: www.hfg.org/df/application.htm
Truck Stop Employees Get $2,500 to go to School
Program Name: Bill Moon Scholarship Program
Amount (Max): $2,500
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: Students must plan on enrolling on a full-time basis in postsecondary studies at an accredited school.
Contact: The NATSO Foundation, 1737 King Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; 888-275-6287 or 703-549-2100, ext. 8561; Fax: 703-684-9667; www.natsofoundation.org/scholarship/index.php; Email: foundation@natso.com
Application: www.natsofoundation.org/scholarship/application/
Over $14,000 for Graduate Students
Program Name: Graduate Scholarship Competition
Amount (Max): $14,000 +
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Nationwide
Other Requirements: For full-time graduate students in communication sciences and disorders.
Contact: American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Foundation, 10801 Rockville Pike, Rockville, MD 20853; 301-897-5700, ext. 4314; Fax: 301-571-0457; www.ashfoundation.org/Foundation/grants/graduate
_scholoarships.htm; Email: ediaz@asha.org
$33,000 + Tuition for Education
Program Name: Hertz Foundation's Graduate Fellowship Award
Amount (Max): $165,000 ($33,000 per year for up to five years)
Income Requirements: None
Geographic Requirements: Must attend one of these schools: www.hertzfoundation.org/schools.shtml
Other Requirements: For graduate work leading to award of the Ph.D. degree in applications of the physical sciences.
Contact: Fannie and John Hertz Foundation, 2456 Research Drive, Livermore, CA 94550; 925-373-1642; Fax: 925-373-6329; www.hertzfoundation.org/awards.shtml; Email: askhertz@hertzfoundation.org
Application: www.hertzfoundation.org/application.shtml