Saturday, January 5, 2008

Before New Hampshire: $72,000 in 72 hours!

Mike Huckabee's first place win in the Iowa caucuses is alarming for women -- and we must stop him before we face a presidential nominee who is arguably more anti-choice than even George W. Bush.

NARAL Pro-Choice America needs your help in the next 72 hours to stop Huckabee’s momentum before the New Hampshire primary on January 8. Click here to donate.

Huckabee supports a human life amendment to the United States Constitution. Versions of these amendments could lead to bans on not only abortion, but most common forms of birth control, stem-cell research, and assisted reproductive technologies like in-vitro fertilization.

We work to Protect & Elect candidates who will ensure that every woman in America has a choice. And we work at every level of government to protect a woman’s right to choose. Sometimes, fighting for choice means taking a stand against anti-choice candidates who are adamant about rolling back our rights. It is alarming that, 35 years after Roe v. Wade, we are still fighting against vehemently anti-choice politicians, like Huckabee, who believe they should make personal, private medical decisions for women and their families.

We are just hours away from the New Hampshire primary, and time is of the essence. Donate now.

We know that Independent and Republican pro-choice women form a critical voting bloc in New Hampshire, and when armed with the facts, they steer clear of hard-line, anti-choice candidates like Huckabee. With your help, on January 8, these pro-choice women can swing the primary momentum in New Hampshire away from Mike Huckabee.

NARAL Pro-Choice America needs to raise $72,000 in the next 72 hours to help roll out emergency voter-education efforts to contact these Independent and Republican pro-choice women. Donate now to keep anti-choice Mike Huckabee from gaining strength in New Hampshire. Resources permitting, you will help us contact 137,469 voters to educate them about Huckabee’s anti-choice views.

When it comes to opposing reproductive freedom, Huckabee is a stand-out. As governor of Arkansas, Huckabee did all he could to restrict women's access to family-planning services. Before he was governor, he actively supported an amendment to Arkansas' state constitution to prohibit state funds from being used for abortion, with no exceptions even for rape, incest, or to protect a woman’s health.

We cannot afford another four years of Bush-style anti-choice policies. It is vital that we have the resources to get the message out to New Hampshire voters. After that, we will focus on stopping any anti-choice candidate who, like Huckabee, threatens to carry on George W. Bush's anti-choice legacy.

Donate now! NARAL Pro-Choice America's $72,000-in-72-hours campaign is underway.

I am counting on you.

Nancy Keenan
NARAL Pro-Choice America

Paid for by NARAL Pro-Choice America,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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