Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Supreme Court

As the Political Director for NARAL Pro-Choice America, I want to personally thank you for everything you do to protect a woman’s right to choose. Since Nancy wrote you just four days ago, we’ve made great progress toward our Choice Challenge 2008 Fund goal of raising $65,000. We have just $15,254 to go, and you can help us get there! There is no better time than now to give, because by making a donation today, you’ll double the impact of your gift.
The next president of the United States will likely appoint two Supreme Court Justices. Sen. John McCain voted to confirm Justices Thomas, Roberts, and Alito. But he’s not just anti-choice….he’s anti-birth control! Sen. McCain has never cosponsored or supported legislation that would prevent unintended pregnancy or reduce the need for abortion. We can’t let John McCain become our next president.
I cannot overstate how reliant we are on your financial support for our work this year. The political team has our work cut out for us in 2008, but your commitment makes it possible for us to step up our efforts, when so much is at stake for choice, while continuing to safeguard choice day-in and day-out.

Thank you!
Elizabeth J. Shipp, Political Director
NARAL Pro-Choice America

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