Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Which Way Are You Headed?

I need your help to convince members of Congress who seem to have lost their direction to do the right thing.

In a matter of weeks - possibly days - Congress will decide whether to put an end to George W. Bush's devastating global gag rule. For seven years, this immoral policy has forced family-planning groups to cut staff, close health centers, raise fees, and stop supplying birth control to some of the world’s poorest women.

My staff and I are working day and night to ensure that Congress abolishes this dangerous rule, and here’s how you can help:

Make your contribution right now, and we’ll send a moral compass to key lawmakers on your behalf – symbolizing your hope that they find their way back on this moral choice.

Your contribution will help NARAL Pro-Choice America:

  • Educate lawmakers about how harmful Bush's policy is to the world's poorest women.
  • Coordinate a National Call in day to Congress.
  • Fund phone banks, robo calls, and online action alerts to motivate pro-choice activists.

Our goal is to flood key lawmakers with hundreds of moral compasses to make this critical point: It is morally wrong to deny the world's poorest women and their families basic health services! You can point these lawmakers back in the right direction today by donating.

For the first time in recent memory both chambers voted to do away with Bush's misguided policy. However, anti-choice politicians on Capitol Hill and in the White House are trying to derail this opportunity. But you can help ensure that lawmakers are pointed in the right direction by sending a moral compass today.

Help point these critical members of Congress in the right direction with an urgent donation. Help end Bush’s global gag rule.

But please don't hesitate. Take action now to help restore funding for contraception and other basic health needs for the world's poorest women.

Thank you,

Nancy Keenan
NARAL Pro-Choice America

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