Thursday, June 7, 2007

The \'Secret\' to Having Fun as a Single Mom

It is interesting what you can attract to your life.  Some things seem to come to you just when you need it.  For example, I was just surfing the net the other day when I came across this new parenting ebook that took me be surprise.  It turned my notions of being a good parent upside down, but at the same time, it was just what I needed to hear. 

It had been a long day and I was tired of saying (for the umpteenth time), “No, don’t do that!”  I’m a single mother (when my husband is traveling for his job) and I’m not doing a very good job (or at least I feel like I’m not helping my kids be their best).

I was taking a break by surfing the net when I ran across this parenting guide called “Mom Has Fun Parenting Method”.  Well, I can tell you that title caught my eye because fun was the very last thing that I was experiencing!

Well, needless to say, I signed up for the free eClass! 

If you’re a single mom (or dad) or just a tired parent, discover how you can put the ‘fun’ and ‘wonder’ back into parenting.

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